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No matter who you are


Where you are on life's journey,

You are always welcome here at

St. John's

Friend, Inc. needs your donations!


Friend, Inc needs donations!

Please call their main number to see when they are accepting donations & what may be needed most. 610.683.7790


St. John's thanks you for your generosity to this worthy cause!


St. John's Office Hours

During the school year: 9 am - 4:30 pm Monday thru Thursday

During the summer:  9 am - 3:30 pm Tuesday thru Thursday

Phone messages, email & mail are checked regularly, so please do not hesitate to reach out when needed.


St. John's events and activities.

If you need more information about events or would like to volunteer your services, please contact us by using the button to the right of the event.

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Communion "whether in the Sanctuary or On-Line" is the First Sunday of each month. 

For On-Line:  Please prepare your bread & wine to share in Communion with your St. John's Community.


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January 5th – Twelfth Day of Christmas

“See the Light?” 

Holy Communion Celebration.


Monday, January 6th – Epiphany Day

Read and reflect on the following lessons ascribed to the start of our Season of Light.

Isaiah 60:1-6; Psalm 72; Ephesians 3:1-12; Matthew 2:1-12.

January 12th – Baptism Renewal   

January 19th – Dr. King Celebration

January 26th – “Disciple Call”

Our Annual Congregational Luncheon and Meeting will take place in the Social Hall after worship.


Lent Begins – Ash Wednesday, March 5th  

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