St. John's United
Church of Christ
Catch the vision, share the joy!
January 2025 – Worship Schedule
January 5th – Twelfth Day of Christmas
“See the Light?” – Coventry Carol/Three Kings based on Matthew 2:13-23
Holy Communion Celebration.
Monday, January 6th – Epiphany Day
Read and reflect on the following lessons ascribed to the start of our Season of Light.
Isaiah 60:1-6; Psalm 72; Ephesians 3:1-12; Matthew 2:1-12.
January 12th – Baptism Renewal
Get out your Baptismal Certificates and family pictures from the day you were baptized.
We’ll remember and celebrate our birth into the faith as we consider the message:
“Humble” –Isaiah 42:1-9, Matthew 3:13-17.
January 19th – Dr. King Celebration
We’ll remember and reflect upon the ministry of Dr. King this day and the work of compassion still before us, as we join our voices in spiritual song.
January 26th – “Disciple Call”
Our Epiphany theme this day focuses on our call to serve as Jesus’ disciples in the world.
“Tell Your Friends” – based on Isaiah 49:1-6, John 1:35-42
Our Annual Congregational Luncheon and Meeting will take place in the Social Hall after worship.
Lent Begins – Ash Wednesday, March 5th